Doctor interview
Anesthesia allows the patient to go to asleep during surgery and to not feel any discomfort from the procedure, or even to completely forget about it. This reduces the psychological burden and allows the medical staff to perform the surgery smoothly. Anesthesia is performed by an anesthesiologist. During anesthesia, monitoring is carried out to control... Read More
Doctor interview
As long as it is a surgery, it will cause some damage to skin or internal organs, with varying degrees of pain depending on the size of the wound, the degree of invasiveness and the scope of the surgery. Pain is a subjective feeling. Anesthesiologists will evaluate each patient's surgical conditions and... Read More
Health education
In clinical practice, “numbers” are often used to specify pain. Patients are asked to subjectively state their pain experience using a number from 0 to 10: 0 is no pain at all, 10 is severe pain; for example, the pain during childbirth may be as high as 7 to 9. In addition, the patient's pain can also... Read More
Health education
Basically, no matter what kind of surgery, there will be some degree of wounding, and there will still be some pain. It may become more painful during rehabilitation and the activity of getting out of bed will further pull on the wound. Although there is no way to achieve a score of 0 (no pain at all), a score of 3 or less is... Read More
Health education
In the past, postoperative pain relief was a very torturous process for patients. First, they would contact their nurse practitioner, who would then notify the physician, who would prescribe the pain medication. After an interval of at least half an hour, the nurse practitioner would finally administer the medication to the patient. Read More
Health education
Multimodal analgesia can be initiated before the surgery and when planning the anesthesia method. The expected intraoperative and postoperative pain can be managed starting from the selection of anesthesia method and the anesthetics. The analgesic effect and duration of a combination of multiple drugs, including intravenous injection, intramuscular injection and nerve block... Read More
Health education
術後止痛藥以類固醇抗發炎藥物(NSAIDs)及鴉片類藥品為主。NSAIDs可部份緩解中重度疼痛,但針對內臟痛的緩解,效果不是很理想,且有些患者對NSAIDs過敏就不適用。治療術後中… Read More
Health education
依據疼痛的持續時間(duration)分類,可分為急性(acute)和慢性(chronic)疼痛。急性疼痛一般持續4-6 週,慢性疼痛則通常大於 12 週。 急性疼痛被認為是由組織… Read More
Health education
The pain and discomfort experienced after a cesarean section, especially uterine contractions, typically become more pronounced in the postoperative period. Research has shown that the pain associated with childbirth ranks highest among all surgical procedures. While effective pain relief methods such as natural childbirth techniques are available for vaginal deliveries, postoperative pain management for cesarean sections often involves the administration of analgesics through spinal, epidural, or patient-controlled analgesia methods... Read More
Health education
Safety is the primary consideration; except in the event of equal risks, patients will not be allowed to choose. Therefore, the anesthesiologist will choose the safest and most suitable method of anesthesia for the patient after a comprehensive evaluation at the preoperative outpatient anesthesia visit. Read More
Health education
手術後的疼痛必須使用藥物來控制,藥物固然會帶來某些副作用,但術後急性疼痛治療不良可能導致的併發症影響甚鉅,如肺炎、靜脈血栓、感染和延遲癒合等,並可能造成日後慢性疼痛的形成。 如果術… Read More
Health education
The job responsibilities of an anesthesiologist include preoperative preparation, such as administering specific medications and setting up monitoring equipment for patients. During the surgery, they are responsible for monitoring the patient's vital signs and addressing any unforeseen situations that may arise. Postoperatively, their focus is on pain management and providing care to the patient until they are transferred to the recovery room. Read More